Over-Sat delivers Mobile Air Traffic Control (ATC) Towers

Air Traffic Control is a highly complex and critical task that involves sophisticated equipment and is managed by experienced Controllers. In various cases such as small airports in rural areas, field hospitals, special missions and emergency operations – Mobile ATC Towers are required for fast deployment and immediate operation.

Over-Sat is delivering a family of Mobile ATC Towers, with air-conditioned and fully equipped cabins, including all the Communications, Meteorological and the Auxiliary required equipment. The Towers are towed or mounted on a vehicle, fully autonomous, do not require any existing infrastructure and can be transported by land, sea and air.

These Mobile ATC Towers have been installed and are operating successfully in multiple countries.

About Over-Sat

Leveraging decades of experience, Over-Sat’s team provides turn-key solutions in the area of complex broadband communications and system integration.

Servicing the Airborne, Maritime, Governmental and Energy markets, Over-Sat takes full responsibility from the early design stages, through all the project stages, including the delivery, integration, commissioning, maintenance and support.